i have created a screen where I display a component that contains a FlatList. For some reason I can’t scroll through the list. Someone who can spot my mistake and point me in the right direction? render-function and style from my screen file: render function and style from my listitem component: render function and style from my list component: my
Tag: react-native
React Native – Nothing was returned from render
My application is stored in /src/index.js but i also have a /App.js and a /index.js. I don’t know the difference between these and i think thats the reason im getting this error. /index.js /App.js /src/index.js I used create react native package to build this project and then tried to follow some guides to implement react navigation with redux. Answer Your
React Navigation TabNavigator: Reset previous tab on tab change
I have the following route structure: When I visit Tab1 -> Route 1 -> Route 2 -> Tab2 and go back to Tab1, the active route is 2 instead of the initialRoute 1. I’m doing the following: but the problem is that it first shows Route 2 and then navigate to Route 1. How can I reset the previous tab/screens,
MobX – Why should I use `observer` when I could use `inject` when injecting data into a React component
MobX documentation suggests I should use observer on all my components. However by using inject I get more fine grained control over what data causes a re-rendering of my components. My understanding is I that with observer, a change in all accessed observables in the last render will cause a re-render, even if the observable is nested deep in the
Checking if a state object is empty
I have a react js state object and would like to execute some code if the object is empty. Is there something wrong with my logic because the code inside the if block is not getting executed. Answer Given that this.state.errors is an object you can do this, Object.keys will return an array or all the keys from the object
Getting ‘firestore/permission-denied’ while integrating firestore in React native mobile app
I’m trying to firestore documents through react native app, but facing the following issue Here is the code and we are triggering button click we are facing this issue Error: Firestore: The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. (firestore/permission-denied). Error: Firestore: The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. (firestore/permission-denied). Answer If this
Display value of slider with respect to slider thumb react native
I want to move the label with respect to slider thumb just like this one: Right now my slider is like this: I want to display the label shown as 30 km with respect to the slider thumb such that as the slider moves, the label should move accordingly. I am using Native React Slider component. this is my code:
Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid with React Native Picker
Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid — expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it’s defined in. Check your code at AddCarScreen.js:30. … I keep getting this error and it says to check my code at line 30 which is the line where
Dynamic Opacity not changing when component rerenders in react native
I’m starting to learn React Native, and for my project I created a simple Button component to reuse in my project. I set the opacity value dynamically according to the variable ‘disabled’, however, the look of the button is not changing with the value of the opacity variable. I searched around and I have not found an explanation.. Any help
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id:0) Warning
I am getting the following warning message when my AsyncStorage Item is empty “Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id:0)” So my question is: How can I handle a promise rejection? My code: Answer You need to catch the reject of the promise: