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Tag: react-native

Icons are not appearing in react-native

I am using react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome to show icons and react-navigation for showing tabs. I am trying to show Home icon in button navigation but icons are not appearing. PFB relevant code of Icon and createBottomTabNavigator PFB screenshot as well. What do I need to do to show icon of Home? Answer Make sure that the font is linked in your iOS

How to add custom Icons to NativeBase

I have the .ttf and .svg files for customized icons that I designed. But I would like to import them into my NativeBase project, making them available for use in NB’s <Icon /> component. How can I achieve this? Answer React Native Custom Icon Font for NativeBase Adopted from: This is what worked for me 🙂 Step 0: React

How to parse html in react native

So I have html strings in this format: And I would like to parse them into nodes like blow: I know you can do something like: but in react native I got can’t find variable: document and it seems like I will need a web-view to do this. Are there any alternative ways to parse this string? Answer If there

React navigation tabBarVisible: false not working for StackNavigator inside TabNavigator

I am totally confused to achieve something like below, this is working fine but can’t hide tab bar for EditPage and PageTwo Login SignUp TabNavigator(TabNavigator) FirstTab SecondTab(StackNavigator) ListPage EditPage ThirdTab(StackNavigator) PageOne PageTwo Settings Below is my configuration for it. Problems I can’t hide tab bar for AddReward and NewActivity tabBarVisible: false not working for StackNavigator inside TabNavigator Thanks Answer You
