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Tag: react-hooks

Can I get a JSON object with name value?

I’m trying to make a Covid-19 tracker App by ReactJS. I want to get data that only an object (a specific province value) from JSON API with ProvinceChange event. Problem : I can’t get data that is only an object (a specific province value). what I tried : I tried a method filter using but is not work, as

React Hook is called in function that is neither a React function component nor a custom React Hook function

I have this following ESLint warning : React Hook “useBuilderFeatureFlagContext” is called in function “Slide.RenderBuilder” that is neither a React function component nor a custom React Hook function. and this is the following component : How do I write a rule that can whitelist this specific case ? Answer If you can, define the component first, then add it to

What’s going on with React’s useState?

So here is Piece of Code for onClick EventHandler in React code : Output : before 1st update inside 1st update After 1st update After 2nd update inside 2nd update Expected Output : before 1st update inside 1st update After 1st update inside 2nd update After 2nd update Could Someone Explain? Also, The example provides decent enough evidence that the

restoring scroll position in react project(hooks)

I have searched a few answers regarding my issue but found one relevant. Unfortunately, it is even on the class component, so I want to restore the scroll position after navigating back on the functional component. Here I will share the source code link on Stackblitz Answer There are few issues here. First: You see, setter in useState does not

React Reconciliation Of Component Instances

I’ve been trying to understand react reconciliation and am getting really confused by some of the details of how the diffing algorithm works. So far, I understand that whenever an update is made, we create a new react element tree and compare it with our previous react element tree. The diffing algorithm manages finding the difference between the new and
