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Tag: promise

Perform an action after a promise.then callback

I’m trying to encapsulate some intialization / clean up code in a single Promise. What I want if to execute some code, execute the then and then execute some more code. This is what I came up with: which gives me the following output in the terminal: All good so far. However, when we make the callback async, it no

How to catch Firebase promise in React?

I have a simple function that checks if the user has Premium access or not: I tried to catch this in various ways, but no luck, it always returns an “undefined” object. What is the correct way to get the returned Boolean value? Answer onSnapshot is meant for listening to a collection continuously, getting repeatedly notified as its value changes.

Retrieve value from IndexedDB using Dexie and Svelte

I don’t understand how I can get a value from IndexedDB using Dexie. Database is all good in ‘application’ tab in inspect tool. Total newbie, so please be understanding. My db.js App.svelte Whatever I try, object with daysMax={total} outputs undefined, [object Object] or something like [Dexie object Object]. I just want to get 20 from db, as seen in db.js:
