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Tag: dexie

Retrieve value from IndexedDB using Dexie and Svelte

I don’t understand how I can get a value from IndexedDB using Dexie. Database is all good in ‘application’ tab in inspect tool. Total newbie, so please be understanding. My db.js App.svelte Whatever I try, object with daysMax={total} outputs undefined, [object Object] or something like [Dexie object Object]. I just want to get 20 from db, as seen in db.js:

Ensure data types in Dexie.js fields

I have a Dexie.js database with the table “businessLayers” in my React application. I’d like to ensure de data types of the tuples inserted in that table. I thought the method Table.defineClass() would do that, but it does not. My db is the following: I’d like to make not possible to insert an invalid data type on each field. I
