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Tag: pixi.js

How to ‘unbunch’ (co)sine waves in a 2D context?

For reference, here’s a jsfiddle I’m using to test stuff: And here’s a gif demonstrating my issue: And my fragment code: Basically, I’ve discovered how to reduce the speed of time in WebGl/in trig funcs, as well as decrease their amplitude. What I’m not sure how to do, however, is ‘capture’ a specific part of the wave function

Pixi.js – How to fix texture blur on mobile?

I have 2 separate projects which draw a randomized grass tilemap, which are using 2 different methods (personally want to see which is more convenient/efficient). One is using only Canvas, the other using Pixi.js. They both work fine on PC, but when I use cordova to compile it as an Android app, pixi.js tileset has a blur Regular Canvas/Cordova Pixi.js/Cordova

How do i extend the area of effect on my GLSL shader?

Im new to GLSL, and im writing my very first shader. The shader is written to be used with PIXIjs. I pretty much got the effect i want but it looks like the effect iv created is being masked and limited to the size of my sprite. see picture below.Can anybody tell me what im doing wrong? appreciate it see

Limit mouse events to Pixi.js Container

I’m using Pixi JS and detecting the mouse position via a simple event handler: However mouseX and mouseY are being updated when the mouse is outside of the stage bounds (the <canvas> element on the page). Is it possible to limit the mousemove event to within the stage? I’ve tried stage.hitArea but that didn’t work. Answer This seems to be

How to use PixiJS in web worker

I need to display a quite complex 2D shape in a canvas using PixiJS and to do so I’d like to create and define all graphic elements in a separate thread (web worker) to not block the rest of the UI. The problem is that when I import PixiJS in the web worker file like this it gives me an

PixiJS – Setting a Fixed Frame Rate

As the title says, how do you set a fixed frame rate of 25 fps for PixiJS? Here is my setup: I do not want to do any more frames than that. Answer After @wavemode’s comments about PixiJS using requestAnimationFrame I think I may have to do the following. (Note: if there is a better solution, please post it, otherwise
