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Tag: parsing

How to get all the favicon from the site, by url

Here is my parser: It returns an array of URLs, with all URL favicons. How can the user get these favicons? when entering the URL in the input and get the favicons. Like google labels, we enter the URL and get the labels with the favicon How can I do the same thing? Answer I hope this example would help:

String cannot be converted into JSON in Javascript

I am getting error: base.js:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected token O in JSON at position 82 at JSON.parse () I tried various methods but nothing works. Can anyone tell me why this error is occurring and how can I fix it? Just for the context, self.str contains a string value that I have obtained from an API response. Answer If you work

Cannot extract JSON property from object

I have this code Which gives me this output Within the actual body of this output there is this: I want to call out the hotelID number: 424023 I have tried the following a few other modifications to this, but cannot seem to call out the correct object But I get the error message Answer You’ve called your const data

Rebuilding/Parsing plain JavaScript object

Let’s say I have an object containing objects that have 30 key-value pairs each: My goal is to rebuild this object into something like this: The function below works like charm but I feel like there is a 10x better way to do it. I would love to see your suggestions on how I could improve it. Answer I’d group
