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Tag: out-of-memory

Azure DevOps React Container Production Build JavaScript heap out of memory error

I am trying to build react prod docker container with Azure DevOps pipelines. After I upgrade my build environment and code, Pipeline failed. After some research I add “–node-flags –max-old-space-size=8192” statement my build command. But it didn’t matter. I also try tried relevant node containers for a build, it didn’t work. Dockerfile: My package.json file: Thank you for help! Answer

How can I use the .findIndex() method be used in spliced arrays in Javascript?

I’ve been working throught the introduction to JavaScript course on Codecademy and thought I would try to extend one of their ideas to search for all strings within an array that start with the string ‘s’. I define an example array called animals and populate it with some strings. First I use the .findIndex() method to find the first
