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Tag: optimization

Why Has My Google PageSpeed Insights Score Lowered So Much?

Prod For desktop, I have a site with a decent page speed score (currently, 96): Stage I’m trying to improve the score (mostly for mobile), but I’ve somehow made it worse (currently, 69 on desktop): Problem While converting the site from Angular (the first link) to plain JavaScript (second link), I’ve managed to lower the desktop Google PageSpeed

find sum of multiples 3 and 5, JS

I’m given a number and I need to find the sum of the multiples of 3 and 5 below the number. For example: 20 => 78 = 3 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10 + 12 + 15 + 18 My code works, but not for numbers greater than 1,000,000 (I tested it for 100,000 – it gives

gulp – exclude a file when minifying CSS

Im new to Gulp.. I have been able to successfully install and concatenate and minify my .js and .css files, however, there is one .css file which i want to exclude – print.css Ive followed the instructions here: install gulp-ignore in my local directory, and modified my gulpfile.js to: Within my CSS Task – Secure, i have included .pipe(exclude(‘Secure/css/print.css’))
