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Tag: opencv

Displaying Opencv.js Matrix without cv.imshow()

Hello Stack Overflow community. I am attempting to extract the pixel values from a cropped section of an opencv matrix to a javascript array in order to feed that data into a tensor for OCR. I cannot use cv.imshow() because it interacts with the DOM and my process is on a web worker. This is what I have so far

OpenCV.js – detectMultiScale “This Exception cannot be caught”

I’m trying to use facial recognition via OpenCV.js, however when I call on the detectMultiScale() method of the CascadeClassifier object I receive the error: Uncaught 6446128 – Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch. The problem is I’m leveraging a hosted version of opencv.js directly from – it’s not

opencv.js perspective transform

I’m trying to use opencv.js to find a document in a provided image (detect edges, apply perspective transform, etc. I’ve got a reasonable set of code that (occasionally) detects edges of a document and grabs the bounding box for that. However, I’m struggling to do the perspective transform steps. There are some helpers for this (not in JS) here and

“emcc” command does not recognized

I’m having issue with building this demo. When i cd into this folder and run make command i get this error message: This is how make file looks like. Is there any issue with my environment variables. What is the proper way to compile this ? Answer For whatever reason default path configurations in .emscripten does not enable emcc
