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Tag: emscripten

Unable to import compiled javascript file from Emscripten for WebAssembly (C++ wrriten) to React

Hi I’ve compiled the C++ file via emcc (emscripten frontends). The output I expected is one .wasm file and .js file to implement javascript. I build React application which try to import WebAssembly via .js module like below. (./wasm/dist/my-module is .js module compiled by emcc) The problem is the console in chrome expresses error “file:// protocol not allow” which is

“emcc” command does not recognized

I’m having issue with building this demo. When i cd into this folder and run make command i get this error message: This is how make file looks like. Is there any issue with my environment variables. What is the proper way to compile this ? Answer For whatever reason default path configurations in .emscripten does not enable emcc
