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Tag: object

Compare and add property to array of object

I have two arrays of objects (Obj1 and Obj2). The difference is that Obj2 objects have an extra property called fn. I want to compare both arrays and if an object in Obj1 has fn in Obj2 for the same datakey then want to add fn in Obj1 also (the datakey is unique). I don’t want to change the order

How do I loop through similar key value pairs(a0,a1,a2) in JavaScript object and generate a new array without the number in the key(a)?

What I have 1.keys: similar key name(such as a0,a1,a2) 2.obj: a lot of similar key-value pairs in one object 3.number: the times similar key-value pairs looped in obj1) 4.arr: a array without the number in the key(only keep “a”, no “a0″,”a1″,”a2”) p.s. “aa”,”bb”,”cc” are examples, the value can be anything What I want How can I get array? Answer

Javascript sort array of objects using array of priority

I have this array of objects: I want to sort these array of objects using a priority array of a specific key, say [“live”, “upcoming”, “completed”] for status, meaning all live events come first, followed by upcoming followed by completed. Answers all over the internet seem like you can only sort array objects using keys as ascending or descending. How
