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Tag: node-modules

What is the best way to promisify library in js?

In one of my previous posts I realised I needed to promisify (turn a callback into a new promise) a npm module to make clean error handling. Problem is, the more I started to think about the organisation of promisifing a library the more it dawned on me that it could easily become a big fat mess. How should I

Get next cron job timing in node-cron

In node-cron, how do I get the timing of the next cron-job? e.g. cronJob.nextCronJob().time, or other properties. There are no methods in the documentation to show this. Answer I’m not aware of any way of getting this using the node-cron module. You can do this with the cron module however, using the cronJob.nextDates() function, like so: If you have to

Unable to deploy Solidity contract to Rinkeby network (Invalid asm.js: Invalid member of stdlib)

I’ve been learning Solidity using this course by Stephen Grider and it’s been going well until now, where I am trying to deploy my code to the Rinkeby test network. For reference, I am using Node version 11.15.0 with npm version 6.7.0 with these dependencies: I have spent hours switching between versions of Node.js, npm, and all sorts of combinations
