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Tag: math

How to Bring All of an Objects Properties ForeFront?

Begin: The Math object in JavaScript can prove to be extremely useful. In a page using the Math object repeatedly, I would rather not continuously use. I would prefer to use these functions at top-level. I will provide an example on how this is possible: The With Keyword (Bad Way): Let me state the following: This is absolutely terrible, never

javascript: return every possible pairs in array

the title explains it all somehow I’d like to use the method “Combination” that math has, this is the Wikipedia page to be clear: I have already found the solution with two loops, I want to do it in one loop example: Answer You can use Array.flatMap() to iterate the array, and to iterate all items after the

Decode the Morse code, advanced JS (codewars)

Here is a task: When transmitting the Morse code, the international standard specifies that: “Dot” – is 1 time unit long. “Dash” – is 3 time units long. Pause between dots and dashes in a character – is 1 time unit long. Pause between characters inside a word – is 3 time units long. Pause between words – is 7

How to add 5 random numbers which are less than 10?

I’ve created two functions. One to create 5 random numbers to push them into an array. And another one to sum up the numbers. The random number generator is working and making an array perfectly. But the sum is not accurate. I’m unable to find where the problem is. Answer Because you are logging a different set of array values

My local variable not updating the global var?

I have a global variable number, so it gets a pass to a function, but when it completed, it supposes to change that variable inside the function and pass it outside to the global variable to update. So it continuing to use old global variables while everything else is updating and become bigger. You can see via console.log that right

Calculate Number from a loop increment number

The code I am trying I have a loop increment variable loop and it counting 1,2,3,4,5…. I need to calculate 2 number from incremental variable: one is rounding 0,1,2 (loop % 3) I can do this but other 0,0,0 or 1,1,1 I mean I need to hold a number according to my round number. Answer Fixed your code ((loop-1)%3) and

detect collision between two circles and sliding them on each other

I’m trying to detect collision between two circles like this: Now when collision is detected I want to slide the circle1 from on the circle2 (circle1 is moving) like this: –circle1———————————circle2————————- I could do this by updating the angle of circle1 and Moving it toward the new angle when collision is detected. Now My question is that how can I

How to calculate coefficients of polynomial expansion in javascript

Suppose I have the following factors: Expanded to a polynomial, it looks like: The coefficients of this polynomial would be I’m trying to figure out how to calculate these rapidly (for any set of factors). The ideal output would be an array of the coefficients, like What I’m trying to do is find a way to quickly go from the
