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Tag: laravel

Vue click event not emitting properly to div

As shown in the code, I want to get a click event to trigger the pop up ‘add-day-form’ which is a component. But by putting the @click=”showModal = true” in the wrapping div, when the pop up appears I cannot seem to press the close button that emits the close event. I only get it to close if i put

Initialize js function on the page

I have a js file where there is a function with multiple parameters And I want to use this function on different pages, but with slightly different parameters, let’s say for one of the pages there will be The question is, how do I call this initialization function on the page itself? The usual page for laravel, blade.php where at

Adding the column name in the table and links in vue

I am beginner web developer. I make my first crud in Laravel 8 and Vue. I use this component t in my project: I have this code: DataTable.vue: Notes.vue: This code work fine. I have 2 problems: I would like the column headers in the table to be taken from: headers – currently these are the column names from

search autocomplete ajax in laravel

I am using ajax for live searching, but the problem is that It is shown only one result when I am using .html() but when I am using append() it works but every word i write it to duplicate the results, here is my code: in controller, ajax code in blade Answer Yes you set your content in your loop

ChartJS show value in legend (Chart.js V3.5)

I need the value of chart show after name of data for example ([colour of data] Car 50, [colour of data] Motorcycle 200). I’ve tried change the value of legend title but it doesn’t work at all Here is it my code: Answer You can use a custom generateLabels function for this:

Why history.push does not work in route “/” in react?

In a React project I used react-router-dom. my question is why in route “/” history.push not worked ? Answer Let’s refer to this article: It claims that the method has two parameters: path [state] The state parameter is optional, but it needs to be an object. Example: Your error therefore is that you include the path into the state,
