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Tag: jquery

Replace Textarea Input With JQuery

I am attempting to automatically replace input from a HTML textarea for specific phrases (for example “a” with “asdf”). My code below works for HTML input boxes, but does not work for textarea. Is there a way to fix it for textarea? HTML: JS: Answer

triggered the pseudo elements keyframe animation in jQuery

So I would like to animated this pseudo elements in a button by a jQuery but it is a pseudo element animation that triggered when hover. Here is the DEMO. And this is my code that wants to triggered the pseudo element animation but nothings happen after clicking it. DEMO Answer You where wrong in your css selector, i changed

Why does my button not click when I change its id attribute?

I changed the attribute id of a button. The old id #slide_save_button has a light blue color, and the new id #slide_save_button_open has a dark blue color, which changes when it is supposed to. But when I attempt to click the button (by referring to its new id #slide_save_button_open) it won’t execute the console.log(“clicked”). Why? Answer Your approach fails because

How can I add accumulative Margin on button click?

I am trying to add a text slider, where basically a very long text box extends out of the view, and when a button is pressed margin is added so more text can be read. I do not know how to make a button that adds margin without exponentially increasing it each time. After a few clicks, this starts to

Copy more than one div to clipboard and adding characters

I am using the following script to copy a div to clipboard. But I am trying to copy multiple divs (DivA + DivB) with the same button, while adding some quotes and brackets around each div. I saw some answers (like this one, and this), but I can’t seem to be able to implement them to the current script. So
