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Tag: javascript

Form post not including the select input

I am trying to make a form to register the number of drinks that are taken from the fridge by a certain person. Currently I have three drinks in my db, meaning that I create 3 select tags and 3 input fields for the number of drinks per drink (e.g. coke, coke zero or coke light). In the code (somewhere

Wait for browser to render element in React

I’m using CSS transition with top and left to animate the movement of an element in React. To achieve this, the component must first be rendered with top: 0; left: 0, and then re-rendered with altered top and left properties to start the transition. This is my component: I expected the component to be rendered by the browser before componentDidMount

How to call methods on input of ‘number’ type?

I’m new to HTML and have an input with type=number: With (click), chooseStanding(standingspot.priceCategory) will be called every time the up or down button is clicked. But is it possible to have different method calls based on which button was clicked? For example, if the down button was pressed a different method removeStanding(standingspot.priceCateegory) should be called and if the up button

How can I check if the browser supports iframe sandboxing?

I have some user-generated HTML and CSS. I think I should show the user sanitized HTML with no CSS or JS if the browser doesn’t support the sandbox property on iframes, which is what’s stopping JS from running and CSS from selecting part of my page. So how can I check if the sandbox attribute is supported? Answer I found

Find array object by ID and return it in React

I try to fetch object vorlagen with ID 6310 from this API and want to show if property vorlageAngenommen is true or false. The JSON object looks as follows: My code that does not run, looks as follows (I am not sure if this is a good base at all): I created a sandbox as well that can be found
