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Tag: javascript

Bootstrap tooltips with Tabulator

So I’d like to get my Tabulator tooltips inline with the rest of my Bootstrap 5 tooltips. Regular tooltips work: However, they’re in browser default. I’d like it to look a bit prettier and inline with the rest of the tooltips on the site. I’ve tried a row formatter inside the table: But nothing appears. The DOM is in fact

React app how to show only limited number of array items

I have data.js file where information about t-shirts, hoodies, cases and etc. is contained. I have 5 objects in each array. If I call each array on my HomeScreen.js it shows all the objects that array contains. How do I make each array show specific number of objects at a certain page? For example in the Home screen it should

How to pass an object inside a function call of a button in google app script

I am having trouble parsing the object correctly. This code is on the backend. On the front end this renders as <input type=”button” class=”btn btn-link btn-xs” value=”Download JSON” onclick=”downloadFileAutomatically(‘{” rohan”:”sharma”}’)”=””> the )”=”” section at the end is random and wrong. On clicking this button the browser throws Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token which is expected behavior. How should I

How to mutate props in Vue3 and have the parent computed setter called

I know this is an anti pattern, but it would simplify things a lot. And furthermore I’m just curious if it’s possible. When I call test1() I get the following warning: Set operation on key “items” failed: target is readonly. and nothing else happens. When I call test2() items change within the child AND the parent, BUT the computed setter

Properly passing a selector to a function

I’m trying to pass selector of the First Name field at that page: to the replaceValue function (source: Enter data into a custom-handled input field) But it doesn’t work for me. As I am not familiar with web technologies I am probably making some dumb mistake. Can you please help? EDIT: I did some tests in the console as

Getting data from react state function component

I have 2 function component , one have input and button and its passing data to states. Now i want to get state data from first function conlmponent to second component and display text to my div in second component. Is it possible to share states data from 1st component to 2nd component? The component are functions not classes trying

Nextjs: set priority for useEffect

This is my _app.tsx And this is my index.tsx So, in my console print 21 But I want to print 12 How can I set priority for useEffect for run _app first? Answer Short Answer You can’t set priority across components. Long Answer Disregarding why someone would need control over the priority of useEffect across components in the first place,

Pass multiple values to a param in getStaticPaths() in nextjs

I want to have two routes /midterm/cs611 /finalterm/cs611 All i am trying to do is when i hit endpoint /midterm/cs611 it should display different content and when it hits to /finalterm/cs611 it should display different content. But i end up with correct results when hitting /finalterm/cs611 and when i hit /midterm/cs611 it shows 404 page. If i replace like ‘midterm’
