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Tag: javascript

On an onClick event in a React function component, should I pass a function by reference or make an anonymous function?

I found this question but it doesn’t answer my specific case, because the answers are old, don’t answer all my questions in this post and in that case they only pass the event variable to the function, but in my case I might want to pass a different type of value, like a string: React performance: anonymous function vs named

Store copy of data state before applying and after clearing filter

I have a simple app that calls an API, returns the data (as an array of objects), sets a data state, and populates a few charts and graphs. After setting the data, the data state is sent to every component and everything is populated. I created a filters pane that can filter the existing, populated data (for example, a gender

How to test custom JavaScript Github actions?

I want to create a JavaScript Github action and use Jest for testing purposes. Based on the docs I started parsing the input, given the following example code Running this code during development throws the following error Input required and not supplied: my-key as expected because the code is not running inside a Github action environment. But is it possible

Jest: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `source` supplied to `Image`, expected one of type [number]

I am using jest with react-native to run unit test cases. And whenever it encounters Image it throws the following warning I tried to replace the code to as suggested in but it started throwing the following warning and the application breaks Any idea how this can be handled? Answer It would be helpful to see your file structure

Mui-Datatable onTableChange is not working when adding a setState

I am using mui-datatable and based on the official example of this codesandbox, you can setState on the tableState. I wanted to get the the tableState.displayData hence, I added this, however, this will result to an error that says: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the
