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Tag: javascript

How to pass the props when set ref for a component

This is my code, I’m put all the item in param map. and render by using: Now, i’m trying to pass the props color in the item by[0][0].props.color =’#fff’ but not working, get an error ‘Cannot add property color, object is not extensible’, so is there any way to do that? Answer you should not store components in component

Change SVG path color using data in JavaScript function

I have a question that builds on similar ones like How to change SVG’s path color? and Changing SVG image color with javascript: I see how to change an SVG by color: But I’d like to use a vector of key value pairs where the key is the classname and the value will dictate the color to fill. Right now

new Date().getTimezoneOffset() returns the wrong time zone

I am in Israel, so my offset right now should be 120. Yet, when I use new Date().getTimezoneOffset(), I get back -120, so not just a daylight savings issue. Should I simply change every minus to plus and vice versa? I don’t know what might be the case for users in other timezones. That’s my function: and timezone_offset is what

Import ‘.json’ extension in ES6 Node.js throws an error

We’re trying to use the new ways of exporting and importing modules for ES6 with Node.js. It’s important for us to get the version number from the package.json file. The following code should do that: However, on execution the following error is thrown: Is there something we’re missing? Is the extension .json not supported? Is there another way to retrieve

Converting Element to HTMLElement in javascript / typescript

So, I’m getting a list of elements that match a selector using querySelectorAll, which stores them in a NodeList. I’m then scanning through the NodeList with a forEach loop, at which point the type of each individualItem is “Element”. However, I’m feeding these individualItems into a function “doThing()” that expects individualItem to be of type “HTMLElement” (I’m using typescript). I’m

How do I make multiple fetch calls without getting 429 error?

I came across a problem in a book which I can’t seem to figure out. Unfortunately, I don’t have a live link for it, so if anyone could help me with my approach to this theoretically, I’d really appreciate it. The process: I get from a fetch call an array of string codes ([“abcde”, “fghij”, “klmno”, “pqrst”]). I want to
