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Tag: javascript

ng-select : add an extra option

How can I add an extra item to my ng-select dropdown like the Create New in the following image : This is the current code I have: I tried using <ng-option> but the item didn’t appear in the dropdown. How can I add an extra item form the template? Answer You can use [addTag] and addTagText. [addTag] : Allows to

React – Ajax data not being passed into Child Component

I have two components, one parent one child. I am using the fetch method in componentDidMount() callback. Once I do this, I set the state with key items to that data that is pulled from the api. Once I do this it should be able to be console logged in the child component as a prop. However this is not

Why do I have to click twice for this JavaScript function to work?

In order for the fucntion to change the display to “hidden” then back to “block” it requires 2 clicks for each. Why is this? How do I reduce it to just one click? Answer That’s because you’re registering an event listener on every click! So your listener executes once more every time you click. Your code fixed:

Stop drag event when reaching the min or max

How can I stop dragging as soon as the drag hits top and bottom of the .parent? As you can see the .button is stops as soon as it hits the inner top and bottom of the .parent but the event still continuing! . to test it try to drag the .button to the bottom ot top and do not

Couldn’t find a ‘component’ or ‘children’ prop for the screen ‘Home’. This can happen if you passed ‘undefined’. Error with react-navigate v5?

I’m trying to use react-navigate v5 to setup a stacknavigator for four screens. Currently I’m getting this error while trying to run the app: My App.js: My Navigator.js: And the home screen itself that’s generating the error (the other screens do too): Not sure what’s going on, would appreciate some help. Thanks! Answer This is happening because of the way
