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Tag: javascript

Why doesn’t \ display a newline in mathjax?

I am under the impression that you should use \ for newlines with mathjax, however I can’t get it to work. What am I doing wrong here? I expect to see 3 lines, but I get this: Other stackoverflow posts claim that \ should work, eg: Answer You should use HTML to break lines as MathJax only handles math

Variable declared in data() is Undefined in Listener

I am declaring a “userid” variable in the data() section of my component. Within a mounted() method, I am initiating a listener for MetaMask. Upon changing account in MetaMask this listener is triggered. However, the “userid” (declared in data()) within the listener is undefined. How can I solve this problem? Answer Vue runs in strict mode. That means that this

Can I use function generator as event handler?

I have a list of HTMLCollection: And I have a script of JS: My goal is to write a keyboardEvent based on .addEventListener(“keydown”, generatorFunction) method whereby event handler would be presented as function generator i.e. generatorFunction presented above. Is it good or bad practice? Answer Using a generator function directly as an event callback wouldn’t make any sense because calling

Square Brackets for String in Javascript [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I do not understand why I need to add square brackets around the “account” variable below, for the “accounts” variable constitutes a string. Answer From

Get next cron job timing in node-cron

In node-cron, how do I get the timing of the next cron-job? e.g. cronJob.nextCronJob().time, or other properties. There are no methods in the documentation to show this. Answer I’m not aware of any way of getting this using the node-cron module. You can do this with the cron module however, using the cronJob.nextDates() function, like so: If you have to
