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Tag: html

Mega menu div hides on hover | reactjs

I am creating a mega menu in reactjs framework for my ecommerce website. When ever i hover on list item it shows mega menu div but when i move cursor down the menu hides itself. Why it is not stay as it is ? Local state which controls the menu display state on onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave works well. Answer Because

How do I make this JavaScript compatible with “use strict”?

I know the issue is that “minYear” and “maxYear” are undeclared variables, but I’m not sure how I’m meant to declare them without breaking the code entirely? Answer minYear and maxYear are variables like the others (date, dd, mm, etc…). You should declare them using the “var ” prefix, the first time you are using them.

tried a lot but not able to make deletehandler function working. here is my code

This is my librarylist component in which i pass deletehandler function to delete the row from library management. I don’t know which part of the code is causing the problem. Any helps/suggestions are welcome. LibraryBookList.js here i pass deletehandler via props LibraryBook.js **BookData.js ** NewDataBase.js Answer The code has a few issues: 1) props.onSelect( inside onClick. Instead you should give

Dynamically create html pages

I’m trying to build a website, I have an API which extracts a list of products and gives me a JSON file which has all the info I need. What I wanted to achieve is to have a separate page created for each of the product – dynamically (since the JSON file will be changing). Is that possible with javascript/html?

Dynamically append input where mouse clicked

I’m trying to show an input where my house clicked, if I don’t enter anything in the put, the input will show in the next mouse click. Somehow, I can’t seems to type inside that input. I have Answer if your problem just you can’t type , you need to focus input Add $(“input”).focus(); after pins.push(api);

Quiz options not displaying for my quiz app

I’m developing a quiz app and there is two main function: fetchData This function will fetch questions from a API and display everything to the webpage. isCorrect This function will check if the answer is correct typed by the user. If it is, add 1 to the score variable. But when the first function runs, it doesn’t show me anything.

Listen for modal close event from another file

Can I listen for jquery modal close event from another file? I created the modal in a different PHP file and when I use the event listener in my modal PHP file it works but when I use it like below it doesn’t work. The modal hide function is called in the CreateUserModal.php. What I want to happen is when
