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Tag: html

What am I doing wrong in scoping my function?

In this test case, I am using append.child with plain JavaScript to add 3 kinds of divs (blue, red, green) to a parent multiple times according to their corresponding button onclicks, then I am adding another child inside the added div with another button (innerButton). My issue is that, the onclick function which is assigned to the innerbutton and is

Keyboard Arrow Key Controls in Javascript

This code is not working. The object I’m trying to move is not moving when I’m pressing the Up & Down Arrow Key. Answer You should do something like that: The position attribute of the “ship” must be like “relative”. By the way, e.keyCode is deprecated, you can use e.code instead ^^

Rollup : single html output

I’m trying to package my Svelte app into a single Html file output. I’ve managed to get the desired output with a configuration based on that answer : Output Single HTML File from Svelte Project With “npm run dev” everything is fine with the first build, but I’m having issues following (live-reload) builds: bundle[‘bundle.css’] is not filled in my inlineSvelte’s

Set checkbox label’s text in modal

I have a modal for creating new post. I want to allow the user to select departments for sharing so I’m using checkboxes for choosing the audience. HTML: Different users have different departments to be shown and they are saved in mongoDB user document. I need to set the labels of the checkboxes on loading the modal. I’m getting user’s

Hide div with window.addEventListener doesn’t work

I’ve created some kind of notification div which contains notifications, it shows when user clicks on notification icon and I wanted to do something like if the user clicks somewhere where isn’t part of this notification container the container will hide, with dropdown menu it works but with this div it isn’t and I have no idea why… Someone could
