I’m making a Gatsby blog as a side project. I want to use the “featureImage” optional field in mdx frontmatter. I tried to refer to the https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/reference/graphql-data-layer/schema-customization#creating-type-definitions document according to the error message, but it was difficult to understand. This is part of my code. index.js gatsby-node.js I tried this and it works when featureImage is not present. But if
Tag: graphql
Only display icon in parent if there’s the relevant data in child component, but in order to have the data I must click on that icon
Alright, it took me awhile to even formulate the question for this. This is more related to a design strategy rather than anything. I have a view that contains a table that displays a list of all users.Each row of the table has an icon on the left that will expand (or collapse) a component called UsersTrainingSummary that just brings
Cannot query field “image” on type “Query” GraphCMS with Gatsbyjs
Good Evening, I am new to Gatsby and Graphql. I am experimenting with the CMS system, but I have no idea what this error means. Any help would be appreciated. The marked below is the error that I have been getting. I do have the folder graphcms-fragmetns in my root folder. I have followed the documentation that’s out there, but
Variable “$file” got invalid value
I try to upload a file with GraphQL. While upload, I get following error message: Variable “$file” got invalid value { resolve: [function], reject: [function], promise: {}, file: { filename: “insung-yoon-TPvE8qPfMr0-unsplash.jpg”, mimetype: “image/jpeg”, encoding: “7bit”, createReadStream: [function createReadStream] } }; Upload value invalid. The only solution I found, was to disable the upload at apollo-graphql and add graphql-upload I already
gatsby-image-background using v3 gatsby-image
I am trying to make gatsby-background-image work with v3 of gatsby-plugin-image. I have followed documentation and found I should be using gbimage-bridge. For some reason it doesn’t seem to work. My query works fine when testing in ide. I have tried to change my query and consts in all sorts of ways but can’t seem to make it work. Right
Weird error in react – using apollo/client – graphql
I’m developing a MERNG App, and everything is working fine so far, but i’m getting some errors in the fronted with useMutations, let me explain to you. So, in the login/register part, if you leave fields empty or in the login, if your user is not found in the DB, it’ll give errors, and i receive those errors in the
Getting TypeError on prerendering page in npm run build
I am prerendering this page on my Next.js application: Using getStaticProps() Using getStaticPaths() When I run it locally it works fine but when I try to deploy it with npm run build it gives an error just for the title property only: This is the part that confuses me as I don’t understand why the error is only on 1
SASS Applies style to the whole website despite only imported into a single page
I’m trying to apply a SASS file on one single js page, but the import goes on the whole website. Here is my partner.sass file : and here is my partner.js file : Whenever I refresh or try to switch to another page, everything (which I believe is due to html and body tags from my sass file) is fading
Send data between components in ReactJs using Apollo Client
According to the documentation, GraphQl provides state management like Redux. I have 2 components. In the Component1 i get data from the server using AppoloClient, it works ok, and in the Component2 i want to read data from the cache(store). Issue: I can get data in component 1, but when I try to read data from component 2, I get
How to send multiline string from graphQL from flutter?
I am trying put multiline support in one of the comment section of app and it is not accepting it. the input which i put is and it is showing this error And this is the code i am writing for the inputfield The problem is with updating the graphQL query and initializing it with String block Answer I presume