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Tag: google-maps

Google Maps clustering if markers greater than 5

I’m trying to add clusters into google map and below code works charm, but I need to add clusters if there are more than 5 markers at same place. How would I do that with MarkerClusterer? Answer From the MarkerClustererPlus documentation minimumClusterSize number The minimum number of markers needed in a cluster before the markers are hidden and a cluster

Google map label placement

I have added label in google map. But the label is coming in the middle of the marker. I have tried to add class also but labelClass:”my_label” in the label but class is not getting added. I’m not getting any way to position label. Fiddle Demo How in google map labels are positioned side of markers. I want like this.

Get all array elements except for first and last

I have an array of locations, I need to be able to access origin, middlepoints and destination separately. I know that my origin is always the first element and the destination is always the last element but I can’t figure out how can I dynamically can access all the middlepoints? Answer To achieve this you can use shift() and pop()

Position of a dragged latlon Google Map JavaScript

Below code shows the path between two latlongs : The code always works, I can see the path all the time when I drag those two latlongs. But I want to get the position of latlongs after dragging. How can I do that? I tried to put alerts in various places in the codes but none of them worked. Can
