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Tag: google-maps

Fetch latitude and longitude from google map

I have an embedded Google map in my website which has a ‘Place Autocomplete widget’ which we use to get a place ID, name etc. when searching. I also need to get the latitude and longitude of a marked place. Answer You can retrieve the lat/lng from the geometry property in the Place model you retrieve:

Google Maps Filter Javascript

Looking for a way to filter the map markers using pure javascript based upon multiple conditions if they exist. This is based upon having potentially 4 potential filters possible. So imagine I have two or more field sets Project Type (this will be an array of project types [‘engineering’,’construction’]) Region (this will be an array of regions [‘France’,’Italy’]) Name (this

Laravel maps markers are not displaying?

I am trying to get my google maps markers to display onto my laravel project, but none of the markers seem to be showing. I have done a dd() on places and it shows that it is getting information from the database. But for some reason none of the markers seem to be showing. With the controller: This is what

Google Street View Black Screen

I am trying to put a Google Streetview Panorama instance inside of a tab inside of an offcanvas element using Bootstrap 5. If the default tab is the tab that contains the Streetview everything works fine as is demonstrated here: If I use a different tab as the default tab the Streetview is initially black and doesn’t work unless
