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Tag: functional-programming

How can I make Underscore behave like Ramda?

Two days ago, I announced a preview release of Underscore that integrates with the new Node.js way of natively supporting ES modules.1 Yesterday, somebody responded on Twitter with the following question: Can you do Ramda-style data last functions? He or she was referring to one of the main differences between Underscore and Ramda. In Underscore, functions typically take the data

Typescript types for a pipe() function

Consider the following TypeScript code: The pipe function simply pipes the input of one operator into the result of the next operator. Now consider this new definition of the operator type: How should the pipe function be rewritten in order for the IDE to let me know if I am using the types correctly? E.g.: consider these two operators: I

Javascript – Using compose with reduce

I am learning functional programming with javascript. I have learned that 2 parameters are needed for reduce. Accumalator and the actual value and if we don’t supply the initial value, the first argument is used. but I can’t understand how the purchaseItem functions is working in the code below. can anyone please explain. Answer It’s a way of creating a
