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Tag: firebase

Vue + Firebase: Functions useEmulator() ignored

I found this line of code in the Firebase docs firebase.functions().useEmulator(‘localhost’, 5001) that supposedly points your Vue app to the locally running emulator, but for some reason my project is ignoring said line of code and continues to call the remotely deployed function instead. Here’s what the relevant part of my @/plugins/firebase.js looks like: And then to call the botcheck

CORS problem – Access to fetch at *** from origin *** has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ – PUT request to Firebase

I have CORS problem, I am sending an put request for updating data – posts into Firebase with React: I have this notification error in console With post request – to add new posts everything is working fine. Has someone solution for this problem? Answer If you access your database over HTTPS, you need to access the JSON version of

Data rendered on the screen but has error on the console (Firebase with Vue): Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘contents’ of null

I’m trying to get lesson.contents to render on the screen but I have some errors on the console. Here is the code (I’m using Firebase with Vue 3) Then I have this error: What I’m confused is that I’m still able to render lesson.contents on the screen: I’ve been trying a few hours trying to fix it but I could
