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Tag: eslint

Eslint – No empty first and last lines for function bodies

Which rule is used for converting this code into ? Answer There’s a rule for blocks: padded-blocks. If enabled, an option is: “blocks” require or disallow padding within block statements, function bodies, and class static blocks There doesn’t look to be a configurable option for functions in particular. You’ll want the config option: or

How do I correctly use ReactJS Reach Router with TypeScript & ESLint?

I’m trying to implement client-only routes using Reach Router in a project using TypeScript & ESLint. This is my initial implementation: At this point, TypeScript threw the following error on the BrowseMain and UploadMain routes in […].tsx: TS2322: Type ‘{ key: string; path: string; }’ is not assignable to type ‘IntrinsicAttributes’.   Property ‘path’ does not exist on type ‘IntrinsicAttributes’. Following

Conditionally set v-model in Vue

I have a series of inputs that could be either checkboxes or radio buttons, depending on a value in the data of my vue component. In particular, I have a Question component, and questions may accept only one answer or multiple answers. I have a selected_answers array in my data, and I was thinking I could have the checkboxes target

Eslint with typescript complains it cant find a specific module

eslint complains for one of the module. The module is installed and the code works fine. Only eslint complains. Unable to resolve path to module ‘@azure/functions’.eslintimport/no-unresolved az/index.ts .eslintrc.js folder structure Answer Do import { AzureFunction, Context } from “@azure/functions/Interfaces.d” I checked the code in node_modules and found that there is no index file

Lint issue with for loop

The following logic works as intended. I have no means to change the lint rules. data in this case is just an Object such as follows which gets passed in. This is the function which takes in above data Getting lint errors as follows for my for loop as follows: loops iterate over the entire prototype chain, which is
