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Tag: ecmascript-6

How to set a variable on prototype in ES6 Classes?

We know that in the code above, methods someMethod and someMoreMethod would get attached to the prototype of someInstance object. But, what if we want to attach some property (not method) to the prototype. I tried doing the following but it throws error: Answer ES6 classes do not currently support fields. However, you can add properties to the prototype directly:

require.cache equivalent in ES modules

ES Modules docs states: require.cache is not used by import. It has a separate cache. So where’s this separate cache? Is it accessible after all? I’m looking for invalidating module caching as it can be done in CommonJS modules (node.js require() cache – possible to invalidate?) Answer I saw your thread on the nodeJS github and your answer is there:

Implement map using reduce

but just curious I also know that reduce is the base for map, foreEach and filter, I would want to try to implement above logic using reduce Answer Similar to other’s answers just more succinct:

How to understand JS realms

In ECMAScript specification there is notion of “realms” introduced: Before it is evaluated, all ECMAScript code must be associated with a realm. Conceptually, a realm consists of a set of intrinsic objects, an ECMAScript global environment, all of the ECMAScript code that is loaded within the scope of that global environment, and other associated state and resources. In Rauschmayer’s book

Vuejs Es6 class reactivity

i’m trying to have a computed property in vuejs associated to a es6 class. My Vue instance looks like this: My class looks like this If i try to do something like that: but the setter is never called, like the reactivity has been lost and i don’t understand why. I also try: I pass customClass as a prop, but

Catch block not working in node fetch

Trying to learn, Javascript. Pardon if this is really a basic thin i am missing. I am trying to run node-fetch to a wrong url, and i expect that it should be catched and log my appropriate message. However when i run this file through node, it gives me uncatched error Answer Its this part that is uncatched: Therefore attach
