I created a “Movie” DynamoDB table from AWS DynamoDB tutorial posted at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/GettingStarted.Js.01.html with the attribute below: Now I want to use the batchGet command: And running it with: But I am getting the error: Why does the provided year as a key element does not match the schema? How to avoid this error and make it work? Below is
Tag: dynamodb-queries
What is the proper syntax to get() entries where the sort key begins with a substring using AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient in NodeJS?
What is the proper syntax to query database entries whose sort key starts with a specific string? I believe it’s something along the lines of Followed by a dynamoDb.get(query_params, …, but that is not quite right. I am getting an ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema error. Answer According to the SDK query documentation, your query