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Tag: dom

DOM change event for Opera

So far I found how to do it in Chrome, the DOMSubtreeModified event: Is there a JavaScript/jQuery DOM change listener? Apparently it works in Firefox and IE 9 too. Do you know solutions for detecting DOM changes in other browsers such as Opera? And maybe older versions if IE, because I’m sure the event above doesn’t work in IE 6-7-8…

In JavaScript is not working as I expected

I have written some JavaScript that opens an element when an element is clicked. However I can’t get the: This is not working to how I want it because: You can open more than one of the showed elements when I only want one open at a time. When I click inside the element it closes, I only want it

Input Fires Keypress Event Twice

This question has been asked/answered (mostly) before, BUT I’ve tried three things to stop the event from bubbling but nothing has worked: (return false should take care of the other two, correct?) Here’s the html: And the JS (UPDATE CLEANED UP): }); I left the redundant stoppers in there but really shouldn’t return false simply kill the bubbling? (using Chrome).

When to use NodeIterator

Benchmark compares QSA & .forEach vs a NodeIterator Now either NodeIterator’s suck or I’m doing it wrong. Question: When should I use a NodeIterator ? In case you don’t know, DOM4 specifies what NodeIterator is. Answer It’s slow for a variety of reasons. Most obviously is the fact that nobody uses it so quite simply far less time has been
