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Tag: discord

Empty all channels with bulkDelete

I can’t seem to empty all my channels of their messages … Here is my code: Do you have any idea to solve my problem? Solution : Thank you Answer client doesn’t have a guild property. This returns undefined which then gives you that error. Perhaps you meant message.guild? message would be any Discord.Message, either from a parameter, fetched from

Can I randomize message replies? (Discord.js)

What I am trying to do is randomize messages, i don’t know how though. I’ve been using the code: I’m wondering if it is possible to make it send random replies when a command is executed on Discord. Answer You can defined list of answer in array and random of one those answer Ex:

Discord.js: Add role to message sender

i am trying to make a discord.js bot that adds a role to a user when they type: +rolename . This is what I have come up with: When running the code i get the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘add’ of undefined This doesn’t happen when I use this code and type +test @DiscordName#0001: My question is: How

Discord.js user isnt mentioned

I have a problem with sending messages when a user is tagged or not, I’m working on the pp command (as in dankmemer) but after adding the code so that I can tag a person the bot crashes, what I mean is that after tagging a person it will send a message in the title it will say the user’s
