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Tag: discord

How to create a role with discord.js

I’ve been trying to make a discord bot using discord.js, but I can’t seem to find any documentation on how to create a role that works in 2018. All the ones I can find that work, no longer work as they have removed the referenced function. In there is no mention of a createRole(“role”, “roleName”); type function. If anyone

How to make bot Whent, the bot

I have this code but I have errors Answer You have few errors in code, first addField method takes 2 parameters, and both are type of string, setFooter also. client.users.get(“404968772969955329”).send(yumz) grabs user(visible by bot) with id 404968772969955329 and sends him a direct message, so if you want to send message direct to guild channel you’ll need something like this:

Couldn’t connect to discord via discord RPC

Whenever I try to run my discord.js bot, my code editor says that it couldn’t connect to discord via discord RPC. I’ve looked around and saw nothing that can help me. Can anyone help? Answer Discord just had an outage. You can follow up Discord Updates here. If you wanna read why Discord was offline just now, here is the

How to Play Audio File Into Channel?

How do you play an audio file from a Discord bot? Needs to play a local file, be in JS, and upon a certain message being sent it will join the user who typed the message, and will play the file to that channel. Answer GitHub Project: LINK In order to do this there are a few things you have
