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Tag: currying

Is this the correct recursive way to write curry function?

I can’t understand if this recursive curry function is correct or not. I have curry function implement with binding but I am not sure why it works and recursive does not. Can you help me to understand this, I think my context understanding in this functions is incorrect Answer Your curring is correct, the problem is with this.multiplier. When you

Boolean Currying Javascript

I am trying to write a boolean currying function in javascript. I want isPresent function should return true if the passed arguments present is the given string else it should return false. Answer A generic solution is to have the “accumulator” value passed in differently. The first call you do to isPresent should already call the closure, and isPresent() should

Memoize a curried function

Is it possible to memoize f with regard to the 2 arguments, namely: Answer You could take a Map as cache and take nested maps for all following arguments. This cache works for arbitrary count of arguments and reuses the values from the former calls. It works by taking a curried function and an optional Map. If the map is
