I have a 16×16 canvas that is scaled with CSS (width:90%; height: auto;) and I’m attempting to convert mouse coordinates on the canvas to one of the 16×16 pixels. I’m taking it from an onmousemove event, and while I can get the raw screen coordinates, I need to get where it lies on the canvas. Answer Try this: So you
Tag: css
How do I color separate words that are in quotation marks
I am making a shop, and I made a “Colors available” part, but I want to be able to color separate words with different colors, in Javascript, css, or HTML, or however it is possible Answer You can have util method to create span with style.
text blinking in textarea
I have the following code : I need to copy the text entered in textbox and paste in the textarea. But the text is displayed and erased immediately like blinking. I want that to be displayed permanently. Please guide me! Answer <button>s, by default are type=”submit”, so clicking is submitting your form. Add type=”button” to your button.
Add line break between buttons generated in react loop
I a trying to add a line break after a button that is generated in a react loop. I’ve tried adding elements but that has not worked: There should be a space between the buttons. Currently they are stacked without spacing. Answer This approach worked, but only by adding margin-bottom:
CSS files not loading correctly on github pages
I am making a calculator app with multiple themes and everything works locally but the problem is occuring on the github pages. Each theme for the calculator has its own css file and I am using javascript to change href of the link tag based on the selected theme (theme-1 is selected by default): HTML: Javascript: When I view my
Css Transition does not work when is .myclass:not(.example) by clicking the button
I’d like to understand why some parameters work with transiton and some don’t. I have a button that brings up a div. If I only use max-height as a parameter then the transition works fine. When I insert other parameters such as opacity, top, etc… These only work on entry and never on closing. What am I doing wrong ?
How to set pattern origin at the top left point of each bar of a barchart in d3.js?
I created a barchart and used patterns to fill it. For each pattern, I set x=0 and y=0, but I don’t know where this (0,0) point is, so I don’t know my pattern start tiling from where . I want to set the top left corner of bar as the origin point of pattern for each bar. How can I
window.getCompuedStyle doesn’t work as expected?
I write following function to return the width and height of a text: I am quite confused why after I remove the div, all styles’ property in the computed_styles will become “” nothing, but before I remove the div, all styles’ property in the computed_styles has something different than “”. In my understanding, the value for variable will not be
How to show a div from below of parent division with transition?
I am trying to show child div with the transition from the bottom of parent div on hovering on parent div. Here is what I tried: But It is not working as even with height 0, “View More” is still visible and the transition is not working as well. Answer Try to add a class selector for child after hover
How can I focus the onclick onto this icon? (HTML, CSS, JS)
I need help with figuring out how to focus the ‘clicking’ part of this dropdown navbar icon so that I don’t have to click a little to the left of the icon (also the other navbar items) since I’m trying to recreate Mac OS’s navbar. IMG: Answer Problem I found the source where OP came from and I am not