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Tag: cross-browser

Detecting when Iframe content has loaded (Cross browser)

I’m trying to detect when an iframe and its content have loaded but not having much luck. My application takes some input in text fields in the parent window and updates the iframe to provide a ‘live preview’ I started with the following code (YUI) to detect when the iframe load event occurs. ‘preview-pane’ is the ID of my iframe

What is JavaScript’s highest integer value that a number can go to without losing precision?

Is this defined by the language? Is there a defined maximum? Is it different in different browsers? Answer JavaScript has two number types: Number and BigInt. The most frequently-used number type, Number, is a 64-bit floating point IEEE 754 number. The largest exact integral value of this type is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is: 253-1, or +/- 9,007,199,254,740,991, or nine quadrillion seven
