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Tag: codesandbox

Could not find/install babel plugin ‘proposal-decorators’ on CodeSandbox with Firebase

I’m trying to use Codesandbox in React project, but I’m stuck with error: Could not find/install babel plugin ‘proposal-decorators’: Cannot find plugin ‘proposal-decorators’ or ‘babel-plugin-proposal-decorators’. Error happens when I adding firebase utility in the project. On my local machine everythings fine. Here is my code: I tried to: Install babel/plugin-proposal-decorators and add “@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators”: “7.18.2” in dependencies of package.json Install

(Codesandbox, Vue) ‘Property or method “children” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.’

I am currently building a State Manager, which can be integrated into multiple Frontend Framework, including Vue. To demonstrate the usage of the State Manger in Vue, I created a simple codesandbox. Because it is always nice to have a live code example, which can be promoted in the Readme. But somehow, I am always getting this (see below) error

Use d3 csv inside a Codesandbox

I’m trying to create a basic data visualization using D3. As editor I would like to use Codesandbox. So I create a data folder and inside it I put my dataset.csv file. Then, this is my code: but the result is: Why? Is it probably a problem about a server missing? How can I use d3.csv inside a Codesandbox? Answer
