If I have an element like this that is in a for loop: meaning that there is more than one of these elements, how can I change the style of the element that was clicked. I have this function: But this will change the style of all my <p> elements instead of just the one I clicked. How can I
Tag: bind
Is this the correct recursive way to write curry function?
I can’t understand if this recursive curry function is correct or not. I have curry function implement with binding but I am not sure why it works and recursive does not. Can you help me to understand this, I think my context understanding in this functions is incorrect Answer Your curring is correct, the problem is with this.multiplier. When you
In javascript, what’s the difference between an instance function and instance variable of type Function?
I know one of the difference is that instance variables of type Function automatically bind to the class. For example: Why is this and are there other difference between these two ways of writing an instance function? Answer You can check what these ways are acting on the Dog.prototype object: Method definition: Public class field [MDN]: In the first case
Function take as an argument other function and few other arguments. Bind arguments to nested function and return recieved function
nested function, which outer function takes as a first parameter, must to bind other parameters to nested function and return them Answer I think this is what you are looking for.
Removing event listener which was added with bind
In JavaScript, what is the best way to remove a function added as an event listener using bind()? Example The only way I can think of is to keep track of every listener added with bind. Above example with this method: Are there any better ways to do this? Answer Although what @machineghost said was true, that events are added
Bind Ready Function and Resize Event
In jQuery, is it possible to somehow “bind” an action to both the ready function and a resize event? I’m trying to add/remove classes on resize and I want the initial class state to be there on ready. Answer The easiest way to do this is to trigger the resize event immediately after binding it:
livequery doesn’t bind after a DOM insertion
I don’t understand why livequery doesn’t bind the event, but I have to use .click. This is just an example, which might also use the .click(), but in the real code I’m forced to use livequery. Does anyone know why livequery isn’t working? Answer I added a random id to the last comment, then I selected it with $(‘#myid’), not