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Tag: babeljs

react-native-reanimated 2: cannot make a function with ‘worklet’ keyword (undefined is not a function)

im just learning react-native-reanimated v2, but i got an issue when creating a function with ‘worklet’ keyword. I installed react-native-reanimated v2 on a React Native bare project using npx react-native init myApp. I have followed all the react-native-reanimated v2 installation instruction, including: configuring the babel.config.js Enabling hermes, set it to true Configuring the file Clean the build Reset the

Javascript code to AST representation as we do in babelTypes

Every time I want to modify, I have to write t.importDeclaration([t.importDefaultSpecifier(t.identifier(`${importcomponentName}`))], t.stringLiteral(`../components/${importcomponentName}`)) It is just for an import statement. Eg. , if I want to generate a whole component, I have to write a lengthy code that is too long in a file and time-consuming. Do we have any short way to do this by some recursion or library or

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module, how to run test unit with react-native-svg for the Web?

I have the following error when I run yarn test: My jest.config.js: I expect when babel to transpile what’s in node_modules/react-native-svg-web. Instead, babel does not transpile and I have the casual transpilation error for dependencies that are not transformed: SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module Why is the transformation not working? How can I test my web app

Babel with Internet Explorer

Why isn’t this working in IE11 ? I was under the impression that Babel will automatically convert new-style code to old-style. Is there some configuration setup to be done ? Answer Babel can transform language features from newer versions of JavaScript into equivalents in older versions. It can’t polyfill APIs which aren’t supported (like fetch). You would need to find

Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined in react 17, webpack 5 while making api calls through actions

Having this error Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined when trying to make a api call using superagent. Currently i am using react 17, webpack 5 along with css modules and all latest packages. package.json babel.config.js webpack.config.js Answer For Babel 7, install these two dependencies: And, in .babelrc, add:

Unknown Option error from Babel in React-Native app

I am building a react-native app with typescript in order to learn react native. Once I run the app with expo start and try to run on emulator I get this error: index.js: [BABEL] ……../index.js: Unknown option: .name. Check out for more information about options Actually I didn’t have this error before. I tried to install react-native-dotenv package and

Using ES Modules with babel-standalone

Quoting babel docs : “If you want to use your browser’s native support for ES Modules, you’d normally need to set a type=”module” attribute on your script tag. With @babel/standalone, set a data-type=”module” attribute instead” For some reason though, when including my main index.js file (which imports other js / jsx files using import), it seems like babel is

Build typescript vue apps with only babel?

How can I transpile and build my typescript vue app with only babel? I used the vue-cli-service extensively but reached a point where I just need a minimal setup, without webpack or anything. My .babelrc My package.json dependencies: My entry main.ts file: My App.vue My build script: Answer Unfortunately you cannot build with babel, as it only transpiles languages and
