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Tag: autodesk-forge

How to find index of ‘items_tolookfor’ array of items in another nested Array List ‘nested_data’ in javascript

How to find index of ‘items_tolookfor’ array of items in another nested Array List ‘nested_data’ in javascript How would I find indices for ‘items_tolookfor’ in the nested array list ‘nested_data’ Also, the corresponding data lies in the nested list ‘nested_data’ index[2][5] I was trying this code: Expected result to be a console log output array with matching data for items_to_look_for

Autodesk Design Automation “Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘ForgeConfiguration.ClientId’)”

I´ve downloaded the Forge Design Automation sample from the following link: But the downloable code example is not working fine. When any async method who involves the DesignAutomation API is called I get -> Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘ForgeConfiguration.ClientId’). So, I would like to know how it works and how I can set the ClientId in the ForgeConfiguration
