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Tag: audio

Music player playlist logic

I’m creating a small music player web app, everything works fine, I have a problem: I want to create a playlist for it too and I’m kind of beginner in JS and I don’t know how to create the logic for that (every time user click on a specific song title in playlist, play that exact song which he just

How to play different audio files on a single page

I would like to play different short audio clips on a single page by using different buttons, however the code I have means that all buttons will play only the first .mp3 located in the audio folder regardless of the html code I have that specifies which button will play which audio clip (example below). Could you help me with

React Native: Why is Expo-AV not playing audio?

I’m attempting to build an app that acts as a soundboard and can play different sounds when different buttons are pressed. I expected the audio to play but instead, I got an error that stated: This is my code: So far, I’ve tried adding a try/catch block, using different audio formats. I think the error has to do with state

cant get length of m4a audio file on webpage

I am trying to make a nodejs website that will return the length in seconds of any audio file a user chooses. So far I have it working with mp3, wav, and flac files. But it doesn’t work for all .m4a or .aif files The code for my HTML page with javascript is below: I gathered 6 different files for

Record mic and audio from SIP call using sip.js

Good evening Stack Overflow! I really need help for a project of mine where I’m using sip.js and a VoIP to make real calls to a phone number. The Goal I want to allow the user to record the audio and microphone and save the data on a server (in base64 encoding or as a file). So I after the
