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Tag: arrays

Array chain results in undefined

I have this array of strings, which is the result of a chain of array methods I’m implementing to a larger list. See the chain and array below: Now, when I apply the last method forEach(), which is supposed to turn the strings to lower case it prints undefined. Not sure why. see below the full chain. Any ideas why

How do I loop through similar key value pairs(a0,a1,a2) in JavaScript object and generate a new array without the number in the key(a)?

What I have 1.keys: similar key name(such as a0,a1,a2) 2.obj: a lot of similar key-value pairs in one object 3.number: the times similar key-value pairs looped in obj1) 4.arr: a array without the number in the key(only keep “a”, no “a0″,”a1″,”a2”) p.s. “aa”,”bb”,”cc” are examples, the value can be anything What I want How can I get array? Answer

Javascript sort array of objects using array of priority

I have this array of objects: I want to sort these array of objects using a priority array of a specific key, say [“live”, “upcoming”, “completed”] for status, meaning all live events come first, followed by upcoming followed by completed. Answers all over the internet seem like you can only sort array objects using keys as ascending or descending. How

javascript: return every possible pairs in array

the title explains it all somehow I’d like to use the method “Combination” that math has, this is the Wikipedia page to be clear: I have already found the solution with two loops, I want to do it in one loop example: Answer You can use Array.flatMap() to iterate the array, and to iterate all items after the

Populate using v-for loop in VueJS

I am new to VueJS and I just figure out how to populate Select Options box using v-for loop. Here is the list I have. This is our desired output. Answer Luckily for you, Vue can loop through the properties in an Object as described in v-for with an Object. I’ve also included a snippet below which should help you
