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Tag: api

Angular pick up an item within an array

I’m using angular to manipulate a tmdb api, but I’m having trouble getting an item that is inside an array, could you help me? the answer that the array returns to me is this: And I want to get the “key” item. The idea is to get the key and then concatenate it with the youtube link to redirect to

How to fetch without refreshing the page?

Okay so, I recently started learning about async JS and APIs and fetch and am just creating a small project for practice and I want to add 2 more features to it I want to add a button on which when clicked without refreshing the page, gives us a new GIF. A search bar for the GIF we can find

Polarion – Display message box to the user

I would like to display a warning message (with just an “OK” button) when transitioning from one status to another. I tried using a ScriptFunction in the workflow of the WI with the following code (display_message.js): // Get work item var workItem = workflowContext.getTarget(); // Get the first parameter – the message itself var fieldMsg = arguments.getAsString(“field.msg”); // Display message

Chosing one Element out of a paragraph with api

i’m experimenting with api’s and now tried to display the capital and borders of a country with this api on a card. This worked. Now i want to add a function so if you click on one of the borderneighbors it opens their card. For example i’m on germany now and on neighbors there is written : AUT,BEL,CZE,DNK,FRA,LUX,NLD,POL,CHE If i

Bitly API V4 in Google Apps Script: getting errors when trying to call clicks summary

I am fairly new to Apps Script and this is my first custom function using an API. Thankyou in advance for your advice. I have been following this code to integrate Bitly into Google Sheets. The code they provide for ShortenBitly works perfectly, however I cannot get ExpandBitly or Stats functions to work. Below is my code for BitlyStats,
