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Tag: api

HTML Drag & drop api not working when dropping elements (React)

I have a web page where words need to be rearranged by drag and drop method. The app is built with React. My issue is that when the element is dropped in the drop zone/area, the id that was set by the target element is blank. This was the original error TypeError: Failed to execute ‘appendChild’ on ‘Node’: parameter 1

convert datetime to string using AJAX

Guys I would like to ask for your help I have here a Get Method using AJAX I successfully get the date from database this is the output 2020-08-13T00:00:00 however I wanted to convert the date format to this 2020-08-13 how can I convert the the datetime? below is my code /Get/ $(document).ready(function () { }) Thank you for your

Generate dynamic KML and load it with Maps API

Hi all i have task to create monitoring of 200 ip addresses and for each of this ip we have location latitude/longitude. Now for the monitoring purpose i have perl script runing which pings all 200hosts and update their status in MySql database. Now i want to display these 200 locations on google maps and change marker color depending on
