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Tag: antd

Antdesign table not rerendering on new column values

I am having trouble rerendering the columns of my table, the library i am using is ant design and I am trying to create a feature where I reorder the column of the table on demand. I have created an example the issue here: In the example, I created a simple button that changes the order of the column

ReactJs – Ant design Tabs Card does not render content

My components used ReactJs Framework that built with Ant Design UI. My stucking is the rendering on tabs content. I try to nest the LoginForm component to TabsCard component. Note: the LoginForm component can successful independently rendered without nesting case. Component rendered on image I attachted: Here is my code: TabsCard.js Thank you for your support! Answer Change from contentList[setActiveTab]

why the createRef current always null in react

I am developing a simple edit app page, because the form.item initial value did not update by data, so I want to setFieldsValue in the antd 4.x, this is my code looks like: To my surprise, the formRef.current is always null. Am I missing something? what should I do to make the Form.Item value update by data which passed from

Using sass with Antd and CRA

I am trying to integrate SASS with antd and CRA. I followed many tutorials but most of them were created years back and all of them throw some error. Somehow I found an article which is working fine link But I am worried that above solution is a hacky way of integrating SASS, so some day it may stop working.

antd wrapping custom input with auto-complete cause: Cannot read property ‘value’ of undefined

In antd with react, If I’ve something like the below, everything works fine: And that some intermediate component looks like this: Everything works fine, until, I try to add AutoComplete When I wrap the intermediate component with AutoComplete, like: Then on changing or giving input to intermediate component cause error. Saying: Complete trace is something like: And the funny part
