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Tag: angular

Typescript Array Push wiping string value

I am trying to build an angular app for a personal project and my first webform is exhibiting behavior I don’t understand. I have an interface as follows with a service to update an array of that interface. The array is instantiated in the service from existing json. My component uses a checkItemForm to hold the data, then onSubmit() updates

How can I use navigator.getMedia in Angular

I have a problem when implementing navigator.getMedia in angular. Which would be the correct way?. the error is “Property ‘getMedia’ does not exist on type ‘Navigator'” Answer Correct syntax would be navigator.MediaDevices.getUserMedia The MediaDevices.getUserMedia() method prompts the user for permission to use a media input which produces a MediaStream with tracks containing the requested types of media. That stream can

Store large amount of data in Javascript

Im receiving some file chunks in bytes format from my server and im collecting them into one variable in my frontend to download it later. And I can’t change my server conception (receiving a file sliced into chunks). My problem is that if the file is heavy (from 500MB), my variable length is starting to be very very big and
