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Tag: angular-material

How to update mat-autocomplete options from another component?

I have two components called Employee and Form in my application. There are 2 mat-autocomplete: State and City lists in EmployeeComponent. I fill and pass these mat-autocomplete controls to the FormComponent using “formData” parameter: Employee Component: html ts Form Component: html At this point, when I select a state I want the cities list is cleared and the filled by

Increasing the Width of the MatBottomSheet?

The following CSS increases the height but not the width: Anyone know how to increase the MatBottomSheet width? Stackblitz new window demo. Note that the demo has to run in a new window (Open in New Window) in order to see that the MatBottomSheet is not full view. Answer this is because you have mat-bottom-sheet-container-large applied to the same element

Select All checkbox Angular material 5 | Gmail style if selecting individual it will also select

I need to create a select all functionality in angular material, I am sharing code below which is partially working. .ts file select all/deselect is working but the individual selection is not working properly, if selected the first one it is selecting the select all but it should work when selected all individual, Please help. Answer Just change your selectchildren

Angular change MatInput Size

I am new to Angular 4 and started working with the material components, I copied a couple of example from the official documentation but didn’t get the same result as the documentation : How do I get change the textbox width ? I tried style=”width: 200px;” style=”width:100%”; class=”col-md-x” But none of them worked, second thing is how to center that
