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Tag: amcharts

Optimizing React App’s Size In Production with Amcharts

I’m using amcharts (amcharts4) with React app(generated using cra). I was able to successfully exclude few dependencies(cpexcel, canvg, pdfmake) using webpack Externals in webpack.config file (node_modules/react-scripts/config/webpack.config.js) like this: I also want to exclude the xlsx dependency, but it throws error while building with this configuration: Error is: I’m not using any csv feature of amcharts. Is there any other possible

Switching to JSON data in AmCharts not working

New user to Amcharts (and programming!) and was trying to use one of their examples (, but when I pull the data from and external JSON file, it doesn’t work properly. The JSON structure and format is correct and I literally copied the data from the JSON file into the var data [] and it works fine. The pen is

Electron+nuxt+amCharts 4: Unexpected token export

I want to code a desktop application using Electron, nuxt.js and am4charts. When importing the am4charts core with import * as am4core from ‘@amcharts/amcharts4/core’ the app returns an error: My setup: Electron-nuxt boilerplate ( “@amcharts/amcharts4”: “^4.7.1” I already tried to transpile amCharts in nuxt.config.js using but without success. How can I fix this issue? Answer I found it could be

How can i remove or hide the category name in amchart bar chart

I need to remove the category field from the bar chart.Please suggest me how can i do this. if i make labels inside false it is coming in left side.i need to remove it completely from the bar. also check this jsFiddle Please check the image what i required exactly Answer You can hide category axis labels by setting

How to change Label text color in amcharts

I have to change label text to green and red can we change the color of a label using java script amcharts. and is it possible to add a up arrow after the label text.Please check the code below. Please Suggest me How can i achieve this.Also check this JsFiddle Answer You can set the label color using
